Social Media

The Unexpected TikTok Queen Who Mastered Relatability

The Desiree Team
September 16, 2024
Bethenny Frankel
Bethenny Frankel, once known for her sharp tongue on reality TV, has taken TikTok by storm with her relatable kitchen chats and high-frequency posting. Here's how she's capturing a new audience—one seafood salad at a time.

Bethenny Frankel, the self-made business mogul and reality television star, has taken TikTok by storm in a way few could have anticipated. The platform, typically dominated by Gen Z, now finds itself captivated by the 53-year-old entrepreneur whose daily musings, casual kitchen chats, and candid reflections have introduced her to a new audience. These are people who might not have known her from The Real Housewives of New York City or The Apprentice, but are now hanging on her every word.

Frankel's TikTok success is built on four key strategies that any aspiring creator can learn from: consistency, frequency, engagement, and a keen sense of relatability.

The Consistent Format

Building a Brand Around Familiarity

One of the most striking aspects of Frankel’s TikTok presence is the consistency of her content. Almost every video follows a similar format: Frankel, usually in her kitchen, chatting to the camera while enjoying a simple meal, often seafood or a salad. The setting is informal, the lighting is straightforward, and the editing is minimal. This approach creates a sense of intimacy, as if the viewer is sharing a meal with Frankel in her home.

This consistent format is not just about simplicity—it’s a deliberate branding strategy. In an era where polished, heavily edited content can feel impersonal, Frankel’s raw and unfiltered videos stand out. By keeping the format consistent, she builds a sense of familiarity that keeps her audience coming back. This is a crucial lesson for creators and business owners: consistency in format and setting helps to establish a recognisable and reliable brand identity. When your audience knows what to expect, they are more likely to return, engage, and share your content.

Posting Frequency

Staying Top of Mind

Bethenny Frankel’s success on TikTok is also a result of her high posting frequency. With up to six videos a day, Frankel ensures that she remains a constant presence on her followers’ For You Pages (FYP). While this might seem excessive to some, it’s a calculated strategy that leverages TikTok’s fast-paced, ever-changing content environment.

The average TikTok user opens the app multiple times a day, often in short bursts. By posting frequently, Frankel increases the likelihood that her content will appear during these sessions, keeping her brand top of mind. This approach is particularly important on TikTok, where the algorithm rewards consistent engagement and fresh content. For creators and business owners, the takeaway is clear: high-frequency posting, when done strategically, can significantly boost visibility and growth on the platform. However, it’s important to balance quantity with quality—each post should still offer value to the viewer, whether through entertainment, education, or engagement.

Effective Use of Text

Capturing Attention in Seconds

In the fast-scrolling world of TikTok, capturing attention quickly is crucial. Bethenny Frankel’s effective use of text overlays and captions is a key element of her success. Each of her videos typically includes a brief, informative text overlay that immediately tells viewers what the video will be about. This not only grabs attention but also sets expectations, which is essential for retaining viewers.

For instance, a video might start with the caption, “Let’s talk about why I love seafood,” or “Here’s what happened when a fan sent me food from Louisiana.” These captions are not just informative—they’re intriguing, prompting the viewer to stick around and see what happens next. This approach can be particularly beneficial for creators and businesses trying to convey complex ideas or messages in a short amount of time. By using clear, concise text, you can ensure that your content is easily understood, even by those who are just casually scrolling.

Moreover, optimised captions can significantly improve a video’s accessibility, making it more inclusive to viewers who are hard of hearing or those watching without sound. This not only broadens the potential audience but also enhances engagement, as viewers are more likely to share content that is accessible and easy to understand.

Engaging with Followers

The Relatability Factor

One of the most compelling aspects of Frankel’s TikTok presence is her genuine engagement with her followers. Unlike many celebrities who maintain a polished, distant persona, Frankel frequently interacts with her fans in ways that feel personal and authentic. A prime example of this is when she unboxed and sampled a parcel of food sent by a small TikToker from Calvin’s Market in Louisiana. The parcel contained Southern delicacies like pimento cheese, chicken salad, and candied jalapeños. Rather than simply thanking the sender, Frankel filmed herself trying the food, providing her unfiltered thoughts in real-time.

This kind of interaction is incredibly rare among celebrities, who often maintain a clear boundary between their personal and public lives. By breaking this norm, Frankel not only made herself more relatable but also demonstrated a key principle of social media success: authenticity. For creators and business owners, this is a powerful reminder that genuine engagement can be far more effective than polished, scripted content. By interacting directly with your audience, responding to their comments, and even incorporating their suggestions into your content, you can build a deeper, more loyal connection with your followers.

Lessons for Creators and Business Owners

Bethenny Frankel’s TikTok success is not just a fascinating case study in personal branding—it also offers valuable lessons for other creators and business owners looking to grow their presence on the platform. Here’s what you can learn from her approach:

1. Consistency is Key to Building Trust and Recognition

Frankel’s consistent format has played a crucial role in her TikTok success. By sticking to a familiar setting and style, she has created a brand that is instantly recognisable and relatable. For businesses, this consistency could be applied to branding elements like colour schemes, video formats, or even the tone of voice used in captions. The goal is to make your content immediately identifiable, so that your audience knows what to expect and feels a sense of connection to your brand.

For instance, a skincare brand might consistently post videos featuring customers sharing their skincare routines using the brand’s products, all set against a clean, minimalistic backdrop. Over time, this consistent approach helps to build trust and recognition, as viewers come to associate the brand with certain values and aesthetics.

2. High Posting Frequency Amplifies Visibility and Growth

While not every creator or business can maintain Frankel’s aggressive posting schedule, increasing the frequency of your posts can lead to faster growth on TikTok. The platform’s algorithm favours accounts that post regularly, as it interprets this as a sign of active engagement. However, it’s important to ensure that the content remains engaging and relevant—posting for the sake of posting can backfire if the quality diminishes.

For businesses, this could mean scheduling regular updates, behind-the-scenes looks, product demonstrations, or customer testimonials. By maintaining a steady stream of content, you can keep your brand at the forefront of your audience’s minds, encouraging more frequent interactions and shares.

3. Use Text Overlays to Enhance Engagement and Accessibility

Bethenny Frankel’s use of text overlays is a simple yet effective tool for increasing viewer retention. For businesses, this strategy can be adapted to highlight key information, promote special offers, or guide viewers through a tutorial or demonstration. The key is to ensure that the text is clear, concise, and relevant to the content, enhancing the viewer’s experience rather than distracting from it.

Moreover, text overlays can be particularly useful for creating content that is accessible to a wider audience. For example, a fitness brand could use text overlays to explain each step of an exercise routine, making the video more useful to viewers who are working out along with the video. Similarly, a cooking channel could use text to list ingredients and instructions, ensuring that viewers can easily follow along.

4. Authentic Engagement Builds Loyal Communities

Perhaps the most important lesson from Frankel’s TikTok strategy is the power of authentic engagement. By interacting directly with her followers, sharing their stories, and responding to their feedback, Frankel has built a community of fans who feel genuinely connected to her. For businesses, this kind of engagement can translate into customer loyalty and brand advocacy.

Consider incorporating user-generated content into your strategy, such as sharing customer testimonials, featuring reviews, or highlighting how your products are being used in real life. This not only provides social proof but also shows that you value your customers and their experiences. Additionally, responding to comments, running Q&A sessions, or even just acknowledging feedback can go a long way in building a community around your brand.

5. Age is No Barrier: Embracing Diversity on TikTok

Bethenny Frankel’s TikTok success challenges the notion that the platform is only for the young. By being unapologetically herself—witty, insightful, and experienced—Frankel has attracted a diverse audience that spans multiple generations. This is a valuable reminder that TikTok’s user base is more diverse than it might seem at first glance, and that there’s room for creators and brands of all kinds to thrive.

For business owners, this means considering how your brand can appeal to a broader audience. While it’s important to understand your target demographic, it’s also worth exploring how your content might resonate with other groups. Whether through storytelling, relatability, or simply offering something unique, there are opportunities to connect with a wide range of users on TikTok.


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Social Media

The Unexpected TikTok Queen Who Mastered Relatability

Bethenny Frankel, once known for her sharp tongue on reality TV, has taken TikTok by storm with her relatable kitchen chats and high-frequency posting. Here's how she's capturing a new audience—one seafood salad at a time.

The Desiree Team
September 16, 2024
Bethenny Frankel

Bethenny Frankel, the self-made business mogul and reality television star, has taken TikTok by storm in a way few could have anticipated. The platform, typically dominated by Gen Z, now finds itself captivated by the 53-year-old entrepreneur whose daily musings, casual kitchen chats, and candid reflections have introduced her to a new audience. These are people who might not have known her from The Real Housewives of New York City or The Apprentice, but are now hanging on her every word.

Frankel's TikTok success is built on four key strategies that any aspiring creator can learn from: consistency, frequency, engagement, and a keen sense of relatability.

The Consistent Format

Building a Brand Around Familiarity

One of the most striking aspects of Frankel’s TikTok presence is the consistency of her content. Almost every video follows a similar format: Frankel, usually in her kitchen, chatting to the camera while enjoying a simple meal, often seafood or a salad. The setting is informal, the lighting is straightforward, and the editing is minimal. This approach creates a sense of intimacy, as if the viewer is sharing a meal with Frankel in her home.

This consistent format is not just about simplicity—it’s a deliberate branding strategy. In an era where polished, heavily edited content can feel impersonal, Frankel’s raw and unfiltered videos stand out. By keeping the format consistent, she builds a sense of familiarity that keeps her audience coming back. This is a crucial lesson for creators and business owners: consistency in format and setting helps to establish a recognisable and reliable brand identity. When your audience knows what to expect, they are more likely to return, engage, and share your content.

Posting Frequency

Staying Top of Mind

Bethenny Frankel’s success on TikTok is also a result of her high posting frequency. With up to six videos a day, Frankel ensures that she remains a constant presence on her followers’ For You Pages (FYP). While this might seem excessive to some, it’s a calculated strategy that leverages TikTok’s fast-paced, ever-changing content environment.

The average TikTok user opens the app multiple times a day, often in short bursts. By posting frequently, Frankel increases the likelihood that her content will appear during these sessions, keeping her brand top of mind. This approach is particularly important on TikTok, where the algorithm rewards consistent engagement and fresh content. For creators and business owners, the takeaway is clear: high-frequency posting, when done strategically, can significantly boost visibility and growth on the platform. However, it’s important to balance quantity with quality—each post should still offer value to the viewer, whether through entertainment, education, or engagement.

Effective Use of Text

Capturing Attention in Seconds

In the fast-scrolling world of TikTok, capturing attention quickly is crucial. Bethenny Frankel’s effective use of text overlays and captions is a key element of her success. Each of her videos typically includes a brief, informative text overlay that immediately tells viewers what the video will be about. This not only grabs attention but also sets expectations, which is essential for retaining viewers.

For instance, a video might start with the caption, “Let’s talk about why I love seafood,” or “Here’s what happened when a fan sent me food from Louisiana.” These captions are not just informative—they’re intriguing, prompting the viewer to stick around and see what happens next. This approach can be particularly beneficial for creators and businesses trying to convey complex ideas or messages in a short amount of time. By using clear, concise text, you can ensure that your content is easily understood, even by those who are just casually scrolling.

Moreover, optimised captions can significantly improve a video’s accessibility, making it more inclusive to viewers who are hard of hearing or those watching without sound. This not only broadens the potential audience but also enhances engagement, as viewers are more likely to share content that is accessible and easy to understand.

Engaging with Followers

The Relatability Factor

One of the most compelling aspects of Frankel’s TikTok presence is her genuine engagement with her followers. Unlike many celebrities who maintain a polished, distant persona, Frankel frequently interacts with her fans in ways that feel personal and authentic. A prime example of this is when she unboxed and sampled a parcel of food sent by a small TikToker from Calvin’s Market in Louisiana. The parcel contained Southern delicacies like pimento cheese, chicken salad, and candied jalapeños. Rather than simply thanking the sender, Frankel filmed herself trying the food, providing her unfiltered thoughts in real-time.

This kind of interaction is incredibly rare among celebrities, who often maintain a clear boundary between their personal and public lives. By breaking this norm, Frankel not only made herself more relatable but also demonstrated a key principle of social media success: authenticity. For creators and business owners, this is a powerful reminder that genuine engagement can be far more effective than polished, scripted content. By interacting directly with your audience, responding to their comments, and even incorporating their suggestions into your content, you can build a deeper, more loyal connection with your followers.

Lessons for Creators and Business Owners

Bethenny Frankel’s TikTok success is not just a fascinating case study in personal branding—it also offers valuable lessons for other creators and business owners looking to grow their presence on the platform. Here’s what you can learn from her approach:

1. Consistency is Key to Building Trust and Recognition

Frankel’s consistent format has played a crucial role in her TikTok success. By sticking to a familiar setting and style, she has created a brand that is instantly recognisable and relatable. For businesses, this consistency could be applied to branding elements like colour schemes, video formats, or even the tone of voice used in captions. The goal is to make your content immediately identifiable, so that your audience knows what to expect and feels a sense of connection to your brand.

For instance, a skincare brand might consistently post videos featuring customers sharing their skincare routines using the brand’s products, all set against a clean, minimalistic backdrop. Over time, this consistent approach helps to build trust and recognition, as viewers come to associate the brand with certain values and aesthetics.

2. High Posting Frequency Amplifies Visibility and Growth

While not every creator or business can maintain Frankel’s aggressive posting schedule, increasing the frequency of your posts can lead to faster growth on TikTok. The platform’s algorithm favours accounts that post regularly, as it interprets this as a sign of active engagement. However, it’s important to ensure that the content remains engaging and relevant—posting for the sake of posting can backfire if the quality diminishes.

For businesses, this could mean scheduling regular updates, behind-the-scenes looks, product demonstrations, or customer testimonials. By maintaining a steady stream of content, you can keep your brand at the forefront of your audience’s minds, encouraging more frequent interactions and shares.

3. Use Text Overlays to Enhance Engagement and Accessibility

Bethenny Frankel’s use of text overlays is a simple yet effective tool for increasing viewer retention. For businesses, this strategy can be adapted to highlight key information, promote special offers, or guide viewers through a tutorial or demonstration. The key is to ensure that the text is clear, concise, and relevant to the content, enhancing the viewer’s experience rather than distracting from it.

Moreover, text overlays can be particularly useful for creating content that is accessible to a wider audience. For example, a fitness brand could use text overlays to explain each step of an exercise routine, making the video more useful to viewers who are working out along with the video. Similarly, a cooking channel could use text to list ingredients and instructions, ensuring that viewers can easily follow along.

4. Authentic Engagement Builds Loyal Communities

Perhaps the most important lesson from Frankel’s TikTok strategy is the power of authentic engagement. By interacting directly with her followers, sharing their stories, and responding to their feedback, Frankel has built a community of fans who feel genuinely connected to her. For businesses, this kind of engagement can translate into customer loyalty and brand advocacy.

Consider incorporating user-generated content into your strategy, such as sharing customer testimonials, featuring reviews, or highlighting how your products are being used in real life. This not only provides social proof but also shows that you value your customers and their experiences. Additionally, responding to comments, running Q&A sessions, or even just acknowledging feedback can go a long way in building a community around your brand.

5. Age is No Barrier: Embracing Diversity on TikTok

Bethenny Frankel’s TikTok success challenges the notion that the platform is only for the young. By being unapologetically herself—witty, insightful, and experienced—Frankel has attracted a diverse audience that spans multiple generations. This is a valuable reminder that TikTok’s user base is more diverse than it might seem at first glance, and that there’s room for creators and brands of all kinds to thrive.

For business owners, this means considering how your brand can appeal to a broader audience. While it’s important to understand your target demographic, it’s also worth exploring how your content might resonate with other groups. Whether through storytelling, relatability, or simply offering something unique, there are opportunities to connect with a wide range of users on TikTok.

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Social Media

The Unexpected TikTok Queen Who Mastered Relatability

The Desiree Team
September 16, 2024
Bethenny Frankel
Bethenny Frankel, once known for her sharp tongue on reality TV, has taken TikTok by storm with her relatable kitchen chats and high-frequency posting. Here's how she's capturing a new audience—one seafood salad at a time.

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